Friday, May 17, 2019

Zion Herbals Gold Reserve is the Gold Standard for Kratom Extracts!

Zion Herbals Kratom Tincture Extract Shot In Pars Market 9400 Snowden River Parkway Columbia, MD 21045.
Zion Herbals Kratom Tincture In Pars Market Columbia

Gold Reserve Kratom Extract is a powerful product made by applying highly concentrated kratom alkaloids back to natural kratom leaf. Gold Reserve Kratom Extract feels more like Bali than other kinds of extract

A reformulation of a classic kratom extract that takes many people back to the good old days of kratom in America. Energizing, pain relieving, and effective for detoxification, a little goes a long way.

This is a good Kratom Blend. It is in the middle in terms of energetic & relaxing.

Gold Extract Tincture-This is very good for pain relief .           
                                                                                Ok, so looking for info on tinctures, mostly dosing, is it worth it compared to the fine ground stuff etc. Then the ease of use, drops under the tongue seems a lot easier than (my recent method) of mixing with chocolate milk and slugging it back.

Note: Must be 18 or older to purchase this product

Pars Market LLC

9400 Snowden River Parkway
Columbia, MD 21045


Business Hours:
Open Daily: 10am-9pm

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