Wide Selection of Cigar Brands at Pars Market
Cigars have a long history that dates back over a thousand years. The first known existence of cigars are found from artifacts of the 10th century Mayan Empire. The cigar continued to thrive throughout the pre-colonial Americas until Christopher Columbus decided to bring tobacco back with him to the Americas. After that, cigars went global. Nowadays, cigars are a popular smoking item in just about every part of the world, and it has grown itself into a multi-billion dollar industry. Cigar tobacco is currently grown in significant quantities in Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Canary Islands, Spain, Italy and the Eastern United States.
Cigars at Pars Market
A cigar is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco leaf, rolled in a series of types and sizes, that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the mouth. Tobacco leaves are harvested and aged using a two-step process that involves both curing and fermenting the tobacco in order to reduce sugar and water content without causing the bigger leaves to rot. This is where the flavor, burning, and aroma characteristics are primarily brought out in the leaf. Then, the leaves are sorted for use as either fillers or wrappers depending upon their appearance and overall quality. During this process, the leaves are continually moistened and handled carefully to ensure each leaf is best used according to its individual qualities. When the leaf has matured according to the manufacturer's specifications, it will be rolled up into the cigar, stored in wooden boxes, and made available for purchase in local tobacco shops like Pars Market in Columbia, Maryland.
Cigar Types:
Quality Cigars at Pars Market
Parejo - The most common shape for cigars, a parejo has a cylindrical body, straight sides, one end open, and a round cap on the other end
Figurado - Irregularly shaped cigars are known as figurados, and are usually considered higher quality because they are more difficult to roll
Cigarillo - A cigarillo is a machine-made cigar that is shorter and narrower than a traditional cigar but larger than little cigars
Little cigars - Little cigars resemble cigarettes in size, shape, packaging, and filters, but are wrapped in tobacco leaf instead of papers
Cigars have been the classic smoking product for over a millennium, and are an essential for any modern-day smoker. Cigars are the pinnacle of classiness and elitism in the smoking world! Don't wait any longer, if you are in the Howard County area, come to Pars Market to pick up your cigars today!
Selection of Domestic and Imported Cigars at Pars Market
Note: Must be 18 or older to purchase this product
Pars Market LLC
9400 Snowden River Parkway
Columbia, MD 21045
Business Hours:
Open Daily: 10am-9pm
Open on All Holidays! 365 Days a Year!
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